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The Practice of Sūrya Namaskāra
Sūrya Namaskāra Part 1 Tantric Mantras
Welcome to The Practice of Sūrya Namaskāra (4:15)
Week 1
Begin Anew with Sound! (31:28)
Week 2
Breathing Bonus and Checking In (15:21)
Free Your Body! (20:12)
Week 3
Combine body and sound! (10:14)
Week 4
Become Your New Ritual! (5:44)
Welcome to the Practice of Sūrya Namaskāra Part 2!
Intro to the course (1:33)
Week 1
Intro for Week 1 (10:45)
First Six Vedic Mantras (30:20)
Week 2
Intro to Week 2 (2:49)
Last Six Vedic Mantras (15:30)
Week 3
Intro to Week 3 (3:15)
Assimilation (8:08)
Week 4
Intro to Week 4 (13:31)
Gāyatrī Mantra! (18:59)
Bonus Live Workshop!
Tantric Practice (5:18)
Vedic Practice (9:10)
Watch Morning Sūrya Ritual (19:56)
Teach online with
Combine body and sound!
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